Uncle Sam and Southlake Texas Salute the 4th of July!
Festival Entertainment
Southlake’s “Stars and Stripes 2014” festival entertainment brimmed with fireworks and music, with LilliPop’s kid crafts, costumed unicyclist, and everyone’s favorite Fourth of July figure, Uncle Sam, rounding out the entertainment! Rather than collecting taxes, our famous Uncle was out and about, celebrating our country’s greatest holiday with his local citizenry.
Not to be upstaged, Uncle Sam’s faithful sidekick, Ben, bedecked in the Red, White and Blue, rolled right into the fray on his unicycle! Ben delighted everyone he encountered as he wheeled his way throughout the festival.
From our perspective it was clear that our patriotic duo were having as much fun as the many guests they entertained during the annual Southlake holiday event!